In the world of the bubble rooms, you must solve color coded riddles in order to gain the aura of a unpaid intern and achieve the sigma pass to defeat the sigma king.


Press shift to run

WASD to walk

left click to grab things (only the cardboard boxes though) and left click to release!


bring the color coded boxes to your coworkers before they pop or YOU'RE FIRED!!!! (Bringing a bubble to your coworkers resets their growth frfr)

(PS: The game is beatable with only using blue, red cyan (the fastest growing of the 4), and yellow(the slowest growing)

(PSPS this is lowkey not my best work, but I learned how to make 30 meshes and Godot 3D so worth on skibidi :3, peak 2 will be 1000000% better trust.)


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Install instructions

lowkey, this is not my best work, but uhhhh press shift to run WASD to walk and left to grab things (only the cardboard boxes though).

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